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4 benefits by ULIPINDIA.COM for NAMP

4 benefits by ULIPINDIA.COM for NAMP

If you are looking for a good income with additional benefits then join the ULIPINDIA.COM affiliate program, become NAMP i.e. Network Affiliate Marketing Person, and start earning.

Who is a NAMP?

Suppose Anil joined as AMP in ULIPINDIA.COM and has done his affiliation work by sharing products listed on the website to his social circle through his social media accounts. Some of the customers expressed interest to join as AMP, and Anil guided them to join as AMP in his Team. As Anil is guiding the other member in his team, then company will treat the Anil as NAMP.

4 benefits to NAMP are:

1) Life insurance fund

The company will reserve a fund of 3% of the total yearly Sales Value of teams to allocate to a life insurance policy for the member. The fund may be released only when members take a life insurance policy from company-approved insurance firms in India. This is a mandatory fund.

2) Health insurance fund

The company will reserve a fund of 3% of the total yearly Sales Value of teams to allocate to health insurance policy for the member. The fund may be released only when members take a health insurance policy from company-approved Insurance firms in India. This is a mandatory fund.

3) Monthly pension scheme fund

The company will reserve a fund of 20% of the total yearly Sales Value of teams to allocate to a monthly pension for all eligible NAMP members. The fund may release only when members take company-approved pension policies from company-approved insurance firms in India. This is a mandatory fund.

4) Mutual fund investment fund

The company will reserve a fund of 20% of the total yearly Sales Value of teams to allocate to mutual fund schemes for all eligible NAMP members. The fund may be released only when members take mutual funds from company-approved agencies in India. This is a mandatory fund.





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