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5 Ways To Invest & Earn

5 Ways To Invest & Earn

Many people continue to equate saving money in a bank account with investing. It does earn interest, but over a longer time frame, the returns are far insufficient to offset the effects of inflation. Most banks currently give a return ...

5 Ways To Achieve Financial Freedom

5 Ways To Achieve Financial Freedom

Everyone has a different definition of financial freedom. Some plan for early retirement, and some plan to never retire. For some financial freedom means paying bills, others want to have a good amount of savings. Financial freedom is a goal ...

9 Quotes to Boost Your Morale

9 Quotes to Boost Your Morale

Well, good quotes and stories always impact our minds. Reading something good makes us feel energized and fresh. It motivates us to work harder. From a whole book of 300 pages, there are a few lines that we relate to ...