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4 Websites To Find Jobs Easily

4 Websites To Find Jobs Easily

Covid had made many people lose their jobs and disturbed the economy. But finding a job in this digital world is not that hard. From earning an active income to earning a passive income, things have become easy and simplified. ...

What is Spring Ritucharya?

What is Spring Ritucharya?

According to Ayurveda, there are three dosha – Vata, pitta, and Kapha. These three doshas run the metabolism in the body in a balanced state. However, this dosha also undergoes a cyclic imbalance during the seasonal changes. This is the ...

Summer Tips For a Healthy Skin!

Summer Tips For a Healthy Skin!

Summers are here, and it’s time to brace ourselves for our skincare routine. Well, a perfect skincare routine is effortless, but you need to be disciplined. To prevent skin breakouts and tanning, we need to work a little harder during ...

9 Quotes to Boost Your Morale

9 Quotes to Boost Your Morale

Well, good quotes and stories always impact our minds. Reading something good makes us feel energized and fresh. It motivates us to work harder. From a whole book of 300 pages, there are a few lines that we relate to ...