The fact about retirement planning is that, because of the influence of compound interest, your financial situation may improve if you start saving sooner. But even if you started saving for retirement later than you should have or haven’t yet, ...
UlipIndia Discussion Forum Latest Articles
Retirement Benefits Debunked
Ajith Kumar
Retirement planning has become increasingly important as a result of changes in people’s lifestyles, a rise in life length, the idea of nuclear families, and a desire to live financially independent retirements. 1) Social Security To Take Care People typically ...
5 Biggest Investment Mistakes to Avoid
Ajith Kumar
Investors are constantly seeking ways to improve their investment strategy. As we approach 2021, there will be a lot of discussion about how and where to invest. Because we are not financial advisors, we leave fund and stock recommendations to ...
Ways to save money after your monthly expenses
Ajith Kumar
Benjamin Franklin is generally credited with the adage “A penny saved is a penny earned.” To put it another way, it is wise to save money rather than spend it. Therefore, if you want to improve your financial situation but ...
5 Ways To Invest & Earn
Ajith Kumar
Many people continue to equate saving money in a bank account with investing. It does earn interest, but over a longer time frame, the returns are far insufficient to offset the effects of inflation. Most banks currently give a return ...
4 Reasons Ways Plastic Is Harmful To the Environment
Ajith Kumar
It’s all plastic these days. If you think about it, it’s not surprising that a substance as widely used as polyethylene terephthalate has environmental consequences. Most of these items end up in landfills, waterways, and the environment as a result ...
5 Easy Marketing Strategies To Promote Your E-Commerce Business
Ajith Kumar
Even if your online retail firm is getting off the ground, you must keep abreast of the most recent e-commerce marketing trends and tactics to ensure your success. It’s a big deal when you finally get your e-commerce site up ...
5 Food Items You Should Consume During Monsoon
Ajith Kumar
The monsoon rains have begun. There is no doubt that the transition from sweltering summer heat to a more comfortable and refreshing rainy season is comforting. However, the rains bring with them a slew of new health issues. Food poisoning, ...
3 Precious Tips To Help You Get Better At Affiliate Marketing
Ajith Kumar
Looking for an easy method to supplement your income? Affiliate marketing is a well-known side activity. People collaborate with businesses, develop one-of-a-kind affiliate links, and earn income on any purchases they sell. So, how can you become a pro affiliate ...
Use of Plastic Storage Bags is Harmful in The Kitchen
Ajith Kumar
Are you storing vegetables and fruits in a plastic bag? You need to read this blog, the next time you plan to store your veggies in a plastic container. We can imagine our kitchen without a lot of things, but ...